Friday 5 September 2014

This is how these fucking religions made you blind.

If you don't know how you were made blind without your knowledge or permission, here is the answer to that question.

This picture conveys a lot.

The child in that picture must be allowed to stand up and ask this question, 'Why are you doing this?" If children are given that freedom, this world will become a better place to live in. Unfortunately, religions do not allow anyone asking such questions.

Religions are a curse to humanity The worst part is that the believers like you don't know how dangerous it is. It is an addiction that makes you first blind and thereafter, a silent follower and stops you from looking beyond what these religions say.

These religions have made life very complex by making us enemies through divisions and then filling fear and hatred in our mind and there is a hidden agenda behind it.

I say life is very simple, if we decide to just enjoy it and let others too doing it.

Therefore, come out the the cocoons and see the world with your open eyes. That will help us to think rationally which in turn help us to unite that ultimately bring peace on earth.

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