Tuesday 18 March 2014


All religions must be made irrelevant.
Unlike general perception, they divide people and make life miserable.
Even patriotism is a kind of terrorism.
All borders must be made irrelevant.
They divide people, fill hatred in them.
Limited resources are supposed to be shared among all across the globe equally
because all living beings have equal right, if at all there, to benefit from them.
Borders disrupt resource movement from one place to another.
As a result, equal distribution of wealth has become an impossibility.
People in some countries die due to malnutrition and utter poverty,
Millions, including new born babies, die every year.
People in some other countries consume even their share of wealth.
And then lead a luxurious and irresponsible life and that way
creating havoc not just in their lives but on this otherwise beautiful planet.
Their lifestyle causes climate change.
They play with environment.
Unsettle the much needed equilibrium.
They are least worried about those who die elsewhere due to their actions.
But still they sing Hallelujah to their respective Gods without fail.
I should not expect anything different from this divided and hypocritical world.
If I expect, that is my problem.
Yes, that is my problem only and therefore, I must be treated.
Therefore, I am thinking of leaving it here and going to consult a psychiatrist.
And he too will pray to the God keeping his hands on my head!
Oh No, I am not insane please.
I sound pessimistic because of the hypocrisy I see everywhere.
Almost everyone, including the Pope, who is known for his simplicity and humility, sitting in Vatican
and Barack Obama, who talks of change every now and then, sitting in the White House,
are all hypocrites, though they look otherwise outwardly.
They seek help from a non existent God but though highly influential, they don't address the real problems the world faces now.
I am upset mainly because millions of infants and children die on this planet before they can enjoy its beauty.
That is a tragedy.
No one can forgive us.
If even the Pope doesn't understand the meaning of the parable where a shepherd leaves behind all 99 sheep and goes in search of the lost one, that itself is a problem.
If he fails to do what Jesus had done when he saw the people who were listening to him were hungry and thirsty, and keep on preaching instead, even his simplicity and humility worth nothing.
That is why I am pessimist.
Need radical change.
Need a global vision.
Need a planet without borders.
Need a society undivided.
I have a dream.

Not a new one but an extended version of the dream Martin Luther King had.
I want to see your children and my children enjoying life to the fullest.
And playing together on the meadows on this beautiful planet,
talking to flowers, butterflies and birds.
No religion can bring that change.
No religion can bring that togetherness.
No religion can bring that happiness.
We and our collective efforts only can do that.
I repeat, we and our collective efforts only can do that.
Don’t remain blind to call me mad.
Come out of the cocoons and start thinking rationally that would help us to unite.
They, the coming generations, are not here now to raise their voice doesn't mean that we can ignore them and consume what they deserve.
Leave this planet a better place for them because they are the future.
That is the best we can do for our children and the generations yet to come.
I have a dream.

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